There is a growing interest in the presence of microplastics and microfibers in our environment – land, sea, and air, and in our food. Fluorescence is not a tool for precise identification of the type of plastic, but it can be an aid in detecting microplastics within a sample.
我們收到了美國nightsea顯微鏡熒光適配器套件(SFA Royal Blue & UV),我只能說哇!他們看到塑料材料是多么的不同!我當然會申請資金來購買更多資金來支持我們的教學和研究。
We’ve received our NIGHTSEA microscope adaptor kit (Royal Blue & UV) and all I can say is WOW! What a difference they make to seeing plastic materials! I’m certainly going to apply for funds to purchase more to support our teaching and research.
尼羅河紅(Nile red)作為一種染料越來越多地被使用,它優先與塑料結合并增強熒光,但即使沒有特殊處理,熒光也有助于找到小物體。一旦發現,就可以對顆?;蚶w維進行處理,以便在必要時使用其他技術進行鑒定。熒光可以成為更大規模研究的一部分,或者作為公民科學項目觀察水道,海灘,土壤等的一個很好的工具。
Nile red is seeing growing use as a dye that binds preferentially to plastics and enhances fluorescence, but even without special treatment, fluorescence can help find small subjects. Once found, the particles or fibers can then be processed for identification with other techniques if necessary. Fluorescence can be a great tool as part of a larger study, or for citizen science projects to look at waterways, beaches, soils, and more.
上海峰志儀器有限公司供應現貨美國nightsea、美國路陽的熒光適配器,能夠方便固定在各種體視顯微鏡上。LUYOR-3421UR體視顯微鏡熒光適配器(標配365nm和450nm),能夠滿足實驗室利用體視顯微鏡觀察各種微塑料的熒光,有關熒光適配器的介紹請瀏覽《體視顯微鏡熒光適配器LUYOR-3421》和《美國nightsea SFA-RB顯微鏡熒光適配器》。